Worship Experience Times

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Sunday School - 10:00 AM
Sunday Worship Experience 11:00 AM - in-person/FaceBook

Tuesday Prayer 11:30 AM - in-person/dial-in
Tuesday Bible Study 12:00 PM in-person/dial-in
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM in-person/FaceBook/dial-in

883 Lincoln Street Dover DE, 19904

Our Mission Statement

Is for every member of our church to achieve a mature level of praise and worship to the triune Godhead, drawing from our past while looking forward to enhance our future. To baptize, develop, and enhance disciples of all walks of life, who live and love like Jesus Christ. Sharing  the Word of God through preaching and teaching. Through evangelism and our community outreach we intend to bring lost souls to the savior Jesus Christ, while building a community Christians exercising their spiritual gifts for God’s Kingdom and the local community. To serve this present age is our calling to fulfill. 

Our Vision 

Our vision is to be a church that "Unites People To God, Purpose, And Community."  

Our Approach:

Realizing that we as individuals are spirit, soul, and body, Union Baptist Church will approach ministry with the goal of ministering to and edifying the complete person.

Our Core Values:

 Our Core Values determine the fingerprint of our church. It is our basic core values that make up our DNA. 

Our Core Values

A Word Church

Embracing the Bible as true and the chief catalyst for encouraging life change. Complete devotion to Christ through Discipleship

A Worshipping Church

Sunday’s (11 AM ) is our time to collectively join hands and hearts in adoration & reverence (prayer, reading scripture, singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, giving of our financial resources, a proclamation of the word of God) to God.

A Working Church

Gathering with a church encourages believers to love others and do good deeds. A church is the main venue for using your spiritual gifts, and it is your involvement that is evidence of your transformation.

A Witnessing Church

Being committed to lost people. By producing and sharing in loving relationships within the church. Committed to living lives, that model salvation, and sanctification.

Children's Ministry

Here at Union we strive to make your family’s time with us a great experience from start to finish! It is our goal to create an environment full of the love of Jesus and TONS of fun.


Union Baptist Church is not a place for spectators. It is a place for team members. Here is how you can learn, serve, and grow at this church.

Our History

In 1902, Union Baptist Church was organized by a small band of believers lead by the Reverend H.J. Marshall....

Dr. Matthew Mitchell

  Dr. Matthew J. Mitchell is the eldest son of David and Ann Mitchell. He accepted his call on November 4, 1994, at the age of eighteen. He preached his initial sermon in December that same year. He was ordained in 1996, at Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church, where the late Dr. W.W. Cotton was the Pastor. From 1996 to 2001, he served in various ministries in Ohio and Arizona including Youth Pastor, Education Director, Trustee and Interim Pastor. From 2001 – 2021 Pastor Mitchell worked in the church planting field and planted churches in Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati Ohio.     

 Pastor Mitchell has a Bachelor Degree in Bible, Masters of Arts in Religion and a Doctor of Philosophy in Religion

On July 18, 2021 Pastor Mitchell preached his First sermon at Union Baptist Church, Dover Delaware  

What We Believe

We believe the bible, both Old and New Testament to be the inspired word of God (2 Tim 3:16). This means the writers of the original text were guided by the Holy Ghost (2 Pet. 1:21). I believe that the bible is the true word of God. 

We believe in one God (Due. 4:6), Who manifest Himself in three persons (I John 5:7) God the Father, Who is the creator of the world (Genesis 1:1). God the Son, Who was born of a virgin (Matt.1:18) and came to take the place for our sins (John 3:16; I John 2:2, 4:10) God the Holy Spirit, Who indwells in us and comforts us. He is with the believer at all times (2 Cor. 3:4; John 14:16,27). 

 We believe Satan is a person. He is a tempter and the cause of the fall of man (Gen 3:4, Job 1:6-12). For him was prepared hell and all those who do not accept Jesus as their Savior will spend eternity in hell (I Cor. 7:5; Rev, 20:10). 

Fall of Man
We believe in the fall of man (Gen. 3). That man was originally created perfect but fell into sin. Therefore every human has a sinful nature except those born again by the Holy Spirit (John 3:3). 

 Atonement for Sin
We believe in the sacrificial death of Jesus as a replacement for our sins. I believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus showing His victory over sin and His ascension into heaven (John. 1:1-3,14; 3:16; Acts 1; 1John 2:2). 

We believe that salvation is a gift freely given by God. It cannot be acquired by works or how good you have been. It is gained by repentance of sin and acceptance of Jesus as your Savior. All who do are sealed for eternity (John 10:28; Acts 16:30-33; Romans 10:9,10; Eph. 1:7,13,14; 2:8,9). 

We believe that the church is the community of saved believers. That every believer in Jesus needs to be connected to a local church where they can worship, fellowship, learn grow and serve (Hebrew 10:25; I John 1:7).      